
10 Retirement Planning Tips to Consider

Who better to ask how to plan for retirement than those who are living it now? SECP company current retirees to find out their firsthand retirement advice. 1. Monitor Your Investments in Pre-Retirement Money needed 5-10 years into Retirement Planning is most vulnerable, so avoid overspending. If that money is lost, it is harder to recover over time. Look for investments with predictable income sources, but remember the more predictable the income, the lower the return. 2. Plan for Inflation as a Fact of Life Inflation and rising prices can eat away at the buying power of retirement funds. When planning for retirement, just assume prices will go up – and be planning for it. 3. Talk with Your Spouse or Significant Other About Retirement Spending Be open with your spouse or significant other about how much you think you should, and will, spend in Retirement Planning so that you’re both on the same page. Just as couples discuss buying a new car or a house while working, it’s always